Roof Insurance Claims Mobile Alabama
Azalea City Roofing is a professional roofing company in Mobile, Alabama, that knows the insurance industry and ready to help homeowners with the process to get their roof repairs covered by their insurance.
Insurance claims may seem daunting, but here at Azalea City Roofing, we are here to help! Here you can find the breakdown of how to file an insurance claim and other valuable information regarding your home’s roof and insurance policy.
Get a free roof inspection & estimate before filing an insurance claim.
Do you have roof damages to your business or home from a storm or disaster? We make it our mission to negotiate your roof insurance claim on yourbehalf. Our expperience speaks for its self when it comes to getting you a full settlement. We use our in-depth insurance policy knowledge to ensure you receive a equitable roof insurance claim settlement.
Filing an Insurance Claim:
The time frame allotted to you to file a claim with your insurance company for roof repairs depends on the damage done as well as your company’s policy, so it is important to contact your insurer as soon as possible.
Follow these four steps to file a claim for damage to your roof:

Insurance for Older Roofs
Some insurers refuse to renew previous policies on houses with 20-year-old roofs or older without passing an inspection, with failing the inspection leading to no renewal of the policy. Some insurers don’t write any new policies for homes with roofs 20+ years or older. Those homeowners only get cash value for roof replacements in the event of damages.